Providing you with the best Up To Date Dentistry

Dr Michael Fong

At Phoenix Road Dental Surgery, we pride ourselves in keeping up to date with the latest technology, techniques and materials in dentistry. We really value the importance of continued professional development and this allows us to provide the best possible dental service to you, our beloved patients, in Spearwood and surrounds.

Your mouth, and teeth more specifically, are subject to enormous forces of mastication (chewing) and parafunction (typically grinding and clenching whilst asleep). This means that any restorative material we place in your mouth has been scientifically tested rigourously, and designed to withstand these pressures over time.

Further to this, the type of material we use to restore a cavity in your mouth must be selected by the dentist based on many factors and requires planning and designing.

Dental Equipment and Materials

There are always different options for different scenarios when restoring cavities or broken or cracked teeth, and we want to ensure that we are providing you with the strongest and most durable options that are suitable for you and your teeth! Along with these materials comes the design and shape of the restoration, which is very technical and quite exquisite, which keeps our job interesting, fun and challenging!

Recently, both Dr Michael and Dr Kathryn sacrificed their weekends to attend a course back at familiar grounds for them at the prestigious University of Western Australia. This professional development course was run by International lecturer and aesthetic dentist, Dr Clarence Tam, learning about the newest dental composite materials and techniques for restorations, veneers and fillings.

Dr Kathryn Fong

So it was back to the drawing board for both Dr Michael and Dr Kathryn as they learnt the best cavity designs for these materials and were able to practice these designs, workshop style, under the mentorship of Dr Clarence.

Congratulations to Dr Kathryn, who was awarded by Dr Clarence, a spot prize for the best veneer preparations in the class on the weekend.